Mary Slider, Frankfort Community High School, Illinois
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I currently teach with a variety of technology as supplementary
to text materials and engaged learning activities: webquests;
cultural research employing picture editing, manipulation
and word processing; PowerPoint presentations; Publication
production (country research project); web page development.
I also teach two video courses live with students in front
of me and at two rural schools. The lab and age of electronic
materials often present challenges quite different from
the regular classroom. Bottom line, we will only be as good
as the technology we have to work with. Video is still limited
to camera and the VCR, due to the fact few of our computers
can support video streaming and clips. I hope to incorporate
video conferencing with other language classrooms in other
schools in the future. Students need to have input in the
evaluation process of all projects. Their input is vital
to the validation and success of any project done in the
foreign language classroom.
We are provided opportunities to learn about employing
technology through our district courses (continuing ed credits)
which also allows us to receive laptop computers for school
use. I load software and use them as an extension of the
6 computers we currently maintain in the computer lab. We
also have listening stations and a recording room. Oral
evaluation is a part of both the Spanish and French programs.
Latin is also offered at our school with web-based programs
employed as a supplement to the text programs.